Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Its A Journey

Just look at that face. Doesn't it make you want to smile? Thats Timbre who now lives in South Dakota. I am so glad for the blessing of a few little goats in our backyard. Having reinjured myself 2 times two years ago thereby causing my original injuries to flare up caused a giant curve ball in progress in all areas of life. Art, weither drawing or photography, came to a basic stand still. Survival was the goal of each day. I don't know what I would have done without the Lord's blessings, and one of them being these little creaters bringing me smiles (and honestly, my daily dose of therapy) every day. They have been a gift from the Lord, my husband and an inspiration to keep going. I can say that I have been able to take some photos recently, when they aren't in my face, in hopes of one day creating them on artboard or canvas to share with others.

I finally was able to tackle a piece of art that I believe has been the only real accomplishment in this realm in nearly 6 years. Can hardly believe its been that long! The process isn't the same, but I will not complain. I have to say there were scary moments of wondering why in the world I was attempting this, and also moments of "maybe I should just throw this away." I slowly waded through it and it is recognizable. Hurray!

You will be able to view it through Ann Kullberg's website of the 13th Annual Colored Pencil Magazine Member Show 2012. I am honored to be included as there are many wonderfully gifted artists, some professionals, that enter this show. It is always enjoyable to see the work and what inspires each person. It won't be too long and I'll have it posted here. And I aim to also have others, even if I feel like molasses in this process, after the first of the year.

It is definitely a journey one day and one step at a time. Each day slowly getting better-but indeed its getting better. Like one person I know says, "keep on keeping on."

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